Welcome to Loving Pathways~~
This website is one born of my love of the amazing power of healing energy in helping us to become attuned to our bodies energies and the loving connection we all have with each other, the Universe and our Creator.
We are all here on journeys that present us with incredible beauty, surround us with loving energies and bring us much joy. But sometimes, we allow the challenges we encounter along the way to interfere with the positive experiences and block our energies. The journey of energy healing to restore the natural flow of our energies is one that can be taken through several different loving pathways or healing modalities.
It is with great joy that I offer Gemstone Healing Energy, Distance Healing and Reiki to help you with your energy healing. These are beautiful healing modalities that will not only help restore your inner peace and promote balance in your life, but will also help you to see that YOU can heal yourself by becoming aware of the things you are holding onto while going through difficult times that block your energy and by learning how to release those.
Children also need healing energy from time to time. Their sessions are short ~~usually 10 minutes. But in that 10 minutes they, too, can have blockages & negative energies removed & regain balance. Any of these healing pathways are wonderful gifts fromt he Universe that can be given to any child.
I invite you to explore the pages within this website to find the loving pathways that speaks to your heart and soul.
with love,
Kathy Jorgensen